Earn A Full Time Income With Nothing More Than Your Cell Phone Camera.

If it wasn't exactly what I do every day I might not believe it either..



I know that making enough money to do the things you want to do in life can be difficult, much less just trying to keep up with the monthly bills.

I sort of fell into one of the methods of making money with my cell phone camera and once I saw how profitable that could be I started thinking of other ways that I could use my camera to make extra money that no one else was focusing on.

That was the key, areas no one else was focusing on so I did not have to worry about a lot of competition.

As I began looking the obvious came to mind like weddings and real estate but I knew they were very competitive and I did not have the high end cameras and equipment it takes to do a professional job. Those markets are also saturated with Professional Photographers so I had no desire to try and compete with them.

I wanted to keep things on the down low. I found some areas where I knew money was changing hands but no one was targeting it from a photography standpoint.

Once I started offering my services I found out a couple exciting things.

First as I had suspected no one had approached them for my service and second they were more than happy to pay and pay well for what I could do for them.

This course consists of the various ways in which I to this day make a solid income from the "why didn't I think of this sooner '' methods of using nothing more than my cell phone or low end DSLR camera.

In this course I will teach you step by step how each method works.

How to approach your potential clients: don't worry, most are rejection proof because I am not a sales person and get very nervous about asking for money in exchange for my work. If that is you then no worries problem solved.

Who Is This Course For?

Anyone who would like to earn a part time to a full time income that can fit into any schedule you might have now. All you need is basic computer skills and if you are reading this then you most likely already have the skills necessary.

You can choose to put just one of the methods I am about to teach you into play or put a few into motion for even more potential earnings.

No matter what you decide you will make money if you just follow my simple directions that I cover in the videos.

So why am I putting all this information out there?

I have been exactly where you are. I am not a college grad with a high paying career. Not everyone is. I know there are a lot of folks out there that could use an extra income. For some it can mean keeping the lights on each month. For others it can mean having the extra money to take some really fun vacations and for those who really take what I am teaching and run with it can mean a whole new and fun business that replaces their current job.

What you'll get in this course

  • How to make money with your cell phone camera starting this week

  • The step by step methods for each option

  • How to scale up for even more profit potential

  • The exact methods I use to find new business

  • Free bonus videos on how to make money with videos

  • Here when you need me support.


All that is required for you to start making a very nice income with your cell phone or low end DSLR camera is to follow my step by step instructions and take action. The methods I cover in this course are very easy to do while at the same time very profitable. This course is not based on theory as what I cover is exactly what I have been doing very successfully for the past 6 years.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This course includes:
  • Full lifetime access

  • 3 Hours of video instruction

  • Support, Support, Support

  • Free Updated and additional money making videos as I create and upload them.